First let me get this out of the way. I am not a wine expert, sommelier, wine connoisseur, WSET certified, wine know-it-all and/or wine snob. I have though, been a wine drinker since 1970. I did dabble in some awful sweet pink crap, while in the service, in the mid 60’s. After that I stayed away from wine until I met my Italian born wife, who introduced me to Italian red wines. For the next 30 years, I drank only reds with occasional side trips with Chardonnay. It wasn’t until 10 years ago I began to drink some white wines on a more regular basis.


That usually always meant Pinot Grigio, until 3 years ago when I discovered Finger Lakes wines. Now it seems I am drinking more whites than reds. Go Figure!
I am married for 42 years, two adult kids, no grand-kids, two rescued dogs, retired Postal worker and still learning about wine and blogging.


Each week I open a few bottles of wine and will usually choose one I like to review.  I’ll post what meal I had with that wine or if it was just opened to sip and enjoy on its own.


Most reviews are on wines I purchased, but some have been shipped to me for tasting and reviewing.  From those I receive from wineries, importers and distributors and those I purchase only those I like will be posted.